Consumer Leadership Development Fund

Consumer Leadership Development Fund (CLDF)

*There are no more CLDF Funding opportunities for calendar year 2025. All applications will be put on a waitlist in the order they are received.

*Consumer Leadership Development Funds (CLDF) can also be used for fee’s associated with virtual events! All policy rules still apply.

The CLDF was established to make funds available to help offset the costs for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and/or parents/family/guardians of children/adult children with developmental disabilities to participate in conferences, workshops, and other training opportunities, that will increase their knowledge of disability issues and increase their skills as advocates. Funds are reimbursable up to a set limit determined by the NGCDD Executive Committee. Any taxes incurred as a result of receiving funds from the CLDF will be the sole responsibility of the recipient and a W9-IRS form must be submitted upon receipt of the funds by the recipient. It is your responsibility to read the Consumer Leadership Fund Policy before you apply. 

Online Consumer Leadership Application

Bajar la applicacion en español

Direct questions or accommodation requests to Rebecca Ortiz at or 775-684-8619.