Notice of Public Workshop

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; the Nevada Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (NGCDD) and The Nevada Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) will hold a workshop to consider public input related to Governor Lombardo’s Executive Order 2023-003 and the request of an exemption from the SILC and the NGCDD Executive Order 2023-003 Public Workshop Notice


Comprised of the Nevada Commission of Persons who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (NVCDHH), The Nevada Statewide Independent Living Council, (NV SILC) and The Nevada Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (NGCDD) Executive Committee 03.28.2023_Combined_Agenda Directors_of_Disability_Councils_for_NV_AB161_letter

NGCDD Executive Committee Meeting

FINAL Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 4-6-23 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 4-6-23 DRAFT Executive Committee Agenda 4-6-23 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 2-2-23 DRAFT Draft Position on Informed Choice

NGCDD Policy Committee Meeting

FINAL Policy Committee Meeting Minutes 4-13-23 Policy Committee Meeting Minutes 4-13-23 DRAFT Policy Committee Agenda 4-13-23 Attachments/Materials: Policy Committee Meeting Minutes 3-23-23 DRAFT Draft Position on Mental Health Draft Position on Language Access Draft Position on Ableism BDR List for Legislative Year 2023 for Agenda Item Number 4

NGCDD Executive Committee Meeting

FINAL Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 5-4-23 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 5-4-23 DRAFT Executive Committee Executive Committee Agenda 5-4-23 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 4-6-23 DRAFT Lobbying vs Education and Advocacy DRAFT Position on Ableism Educating Policymakers DRAFT Accessible CLDF Policy DRAFT Position on Language Access DRAFT Position on Mental Health